LoD3 Road Space Models

This CityGML dataset contains road space models (over 50 building models) in the area of Ingolstadt. To ensure the highest accuracy geometrically as well as semantically, the dataset was manually modeled based on the mobile laser scannings (MLS) provided by the company 3D Mapping Solutions GmbH (relative accuracy in the range of 1-3cm). In order to enable the modification of the datasets, SketchUp project files are also provided along with creation guidelines.

Daten und Ressourcen

Dataset extent

Tiles by MapBox

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
    Author: Benedikt Schwab
    Author Email: benedikt.schwabfoo(at)tum.de

    Maintainer: Benedikt Schwab
    Maintainer Email: benedikt.schwabfoo(at)tum.de
    Role: Experte

Sprache English
Start des Gültigkeitszeitraumes
Ende des Gültigkeitszeitraumes
Räumliche Ausdehnung



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